The Shower Box Prison (2021)

1 min readNov 2, 2021

I stand, staring at the grey wall

in front of me,

letting the hot water

of my shower box prison

burn my skin away.

The bags under my eyes,

the acne on my face,

the freckles dotting my back.

I look down at the body I’ve come to know

and hate.

I see my boobs all lumpy and sagging.

My stomach protruding

with little hairs scattered

like a mini jungle biome on my skin.

My thighs too big for the rest of my legs.

I’m not an angel

with perfect skin

and perfect boobs

and perfect hourglass form.

I place my hands on my hips

made of glass,

one touch and I’ll shatter

like broken bottles on street corners.

I feel hot water on exposed wrists,

my veins running along my arms

and I wonder what it would feel like

if I ripped them out

and twisted them around my neck.

I stand and hope that the hot water

of my shower box prison

will melt everything away,

revealing the organs underneath.

My lungs blackened and shriveled,

my esophagus charred like burnt meat,

my heart shattered across the pristine white floor,

becoming a heap of organs and tissue

that stain the white with so much blood

one could swim in it.

I stand, staring at the grey wall

in front of me,

letting the hot water

of my shower box prison

burn my skin away.

Just burn it all away,

I mean it.

I’m ready…

