Living With a Mental Illness Isn’t Exactly Fun

1 min readOct 26, 2021

or easy.

There are days where I dress it up.

Make it look all pretty.

Put it in a dress,

slap some makeup on it

and say

“Look at my anxiety!

Isn’t she beautiful?”

And there are some days where

I hate it.

Everything about it.

It’s yellow skin,

it’s stringy hair,

it’s black eyes

and all I want to do

is eradicate it from this world.

Stab a knife through its heart.

Realize it’s actually mine

and now I lay dead

at the bottom of a dark river bank

never to return to this

rotating ball of rock and

gas and


where everything is dark and grey

and I just lay inside it

like sitting on a wet park bench

on a cold winter day.

That uncomfortable, skin crawling feeling

lurking all throughout my body

that I treat terribly

because I don’t have the energy to care.

I just want to be able to talk to other

like my professor can,

continue conversations that are in their last breath.

Pull the words I want to say

from the depths of my brain,

dust them off,

and hand them out

like flyers in the street.

Instead I sit there, silent,

like a statue on its last breath.

Constantly waiting.

Wondering when the skin crawling,

vomit inducing,

stomach pulverizing feeling

will be over.

